
Den kritiske jagt!

Vi kender det alle sammen; jagten efter den perfekte kilde. Den kilde, der på perfekt vis understøtter dit argument eller giver dig den manglende brik i dit faglige puslespil.

Men, hvordan ved du om du kan ”stole” på din kilde? Holder den vand, er den troværdig, og kan den overhovedet bruges i studiemæssig sammenhæng!?



... the most essential functions in Word

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On the Home tab in Word, you will find the most commonly used functions. For instance changing text size, color, style and line spacing.

Try it yourself...
  1. Create a new document in Word
  2. Write or dictate some text
  3. Change text font, size, color etc.
  4. Use the format painter to copy your formatting to some other text
  5. Play with styles, bullets etc.

"Format painter is an effective tool to quickly give your texts the same formatting"
"Exploit the styles functionality to easily change a lot of the same type of content at once"

... add pictures, tables, page numbers and much more

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Under the insert tab, you can insert different types of content like tables, images, clipart, graphs, pagenumbers, pagebreaks and a lot of other things in your documents.

Try it yourself...

  1. Insert a frontpage in a document
  2. Make a page break
  3. Insert page number and a footnote
  4. Play around with inserting images, smart art, tables and graphs

"Use the built-in functions in word to create visually appealing content with graphs, tables and smart art"


... check your spelling, grammar and much more

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On the Review tab you will find functions to help you review your document. There are functions for spelling and grammar, and to comment and keep an eye on changes when collaborating on documents.

Try it yourself...
  1. Open a document and check for spelling and grammar (you can change the language on the language button on the review tab)
  2. Exchange some of your words with synonyms
  3. Check how many words are in your document
  4. Share your document with a classmate
  5. Write each other comments in the document
"Use word count to check whether you adhere to the given standards"
"Use the share function and collaborate on the same document in stead of sending new versions back and forth"


... take control of your references and literature list

Word reference system

Microsoft Word has built in functionality to help you with references and automatically generated literature list. If in doubt, ask your teacher which reference system is the standard on your education.

Try it yourself...
  1. Write a quote from one of your studybooks, and create a reference in Word
  2. Do the same with an article or a report. Add page number
  3. Create a literature list by using the "bibliography" function

You can find a lot more about references on Study Skills.

"Exploit Words built-in functionality for keeping track of references"
"Avoid inconsistencies - let Word handle the references for you!"