Use the Library - and be happy!
Opening hours
* Staffed hours
Monday - Thursday: 8 – 22 (9-14*)
Friday: 8 – 22 (11-13*)
Prinsesse Charlottes Gade
Monday - Thursday: 8 – 22 (9-12*)
Friday: 8 – 22 (not staffed)
Weekends: 10 - 22 (not staffed)
Create a library account
In order to create a account for borrowing books, just log in with your KEA-mail and password here: https://kbdk-kea.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/ and create a PIN code to use with the self service machine.
You can search for books at the library here:
Digital resources
As a student at KEA you automatically get access to a wide range of digital resources; journals, magazines, databases, etc.
Your loans
You can borrow for a period of 30 days at the time, and renew your loans online up to 3 months (provided no one has reserved them)
See and prolong your loans here - log in using your KEA-mail and password.